Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A few thoughts from Tommy

xcnnty dudfghgh hfgyt6t7t666ttr tttttttttttttttt yyyyhh tttttuuuuu uuuuuuu uunnnk bj bn njh jnnbi jgxfgx xytkibibibii gununujjijmuu u8,,kjn bvbjh bhvhbgvgvgg gbggggvvggvg ggcrfx rxrccrr cxdzxzd ddczdd zedzzwso.

Translated (actually word for word)
I love Poppy. Lee is my best friend cousin. TTTTTTTT is for Tommy. Momma and Daddy are getting married and they still love me. June is a fun month. Amen Tommy is the best guy cuz I am nice. I love myself. I am my best friend. I like to talk to Bella. I want to be a big star and a singer. and I am not suppose to say poop.


Amy, Steve, Molly, Paige and Garrett said...

That is totally hilarious! Good job Tommy. Molly isn't supposed to say poop either!

DeAnna said...

Ha ha that is to cute! I love it! I cant wait til Isabelle can tell me that much!